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Online Ad Sales

June 19, 2021
  1. Selling Ad Space on a Website: Best Ways to Sell Ads Online
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Who can earn? If you are looking to generate more revenue through your site and need the most advanced monetization solutions – you are in the right place! With PropellerAds, no matter what kind of marketer or publisher you are – you have multiple opportunities to earn real money. Website Owners SEO Masters Ad Networks, Brokers Domainers Social Media Marketers Plugins / Extensions The most profitable ad formats to earn more Cover 100% of your web and mobile traffic with our cross-platform solutions. PUSH NOTIFICATIONS ONCLICK ADS IN-PAGE PUSH INTERSTITIALS SMART LINKS Push Notifications Push Notifications (Native Subscriptions) are a revolutionary monetization tool. These browser notifications take completely no space on your website, bring instant per-subscription revenue (CPS) and perfectly complement other ad formats. You will earn even if a user is not visiting your website anymore. Best for any site Onclick Ads (Popunder) Onclick or Popunder ads are a monetization powerhouse and one of our top performing ad formats in terms of revenue.

Selling Ad Space on a Website: Best Ways to Sell Ads Online

This allows them to demand high rates for ad space from advertisers. Make sure you have a well organized ad stack and identify premium inventory and sell them directly. Malware-free Ads Ads filled with spammy redirects only make your site visitors either bounce, block ads, or both—ultimately damaging your rankings as well as revenue. Programmatic is notorious for facilitating them. Many demand sources (ad networks or exchanges) engage in arbitrage by packaging and reselling inventory multiple times. This leads to a lengthy chain of redirects before your ad server can locate the source of an ad impression and render it on your website. This created multiple openings for bad actors to inject malware into the system, which could then easily end up on your website. Going direct-to-advertiser significantly reduces this risk and enables you to serve safe ads on your website. Creative Control Direct selling gives you the freedom to evaluate campaign creatives beforehand. This lets you check for contextual relevance and ensures that ads don't negatively impact your site's experience.

Ideal for branding, especially if you have a product or service that is best demonstrated visually. Whatever you choose, Video Ads are gaining in popularity because they avoid blatant advertising while also attracting the limited attention span of many YouTubers. Once you've created your video, you can post to: YouTube/Google Facebook Twitter Vimeo Brightroll YuMe Hulu Live Rail Specific Media Tube Mogul Tremor Video AOL Auditude YouTube also have the fun little Pre-Roll ads (those short… sometimes long… ads that appear before the video you actually want to watch starts). 7. Email Marketing Hanging out with Display Ads back near the start of online advertising, Email Marketing is a cheaper, faster and effective form of advertising. It's a great way to build customer loyalty and boost sales; when you use an email campaign manager (see the list below) to prepare and send your emails, you can easily track how well they do and monitor your ROI. Email Campaign Managers: MailChimp Constant Contact AWeber ConvertKit GetResponse Campaign Monitor Active Campaign In order to succeed at email marketing, you first need to build a list of email addresses.

Publishers can market as affiliates through a range of ad formats, such as sponsored blog posts, videos, and display ads. The ad is generally accompanied by a link and perhaps a promo code, inviting readers to click through to the brand's product. If they end up engaging with the ad or buying the product, the publisher receives a percentage of the sale. Conclusion Publishers have a valuable opportunity to generate revenue and earn passive income from their audiences by selling ads on their websites. They can do this by signing up for ad networks, selling ads directly to brands, becoming affiliate marketers, and setting up native advertising partnerships. Whichever strategies you choose, be sure to deliver high-quality content, functional design, and impressive audience engagement. Give advertisers no choice but to join your team and start buying ad space.

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Rate Card A rate card can be a document or webpage listing the prices of all placements that you offer. For advertisers who are considering your inventory, a rate card helps them align their budget with your price expectations. You can add all ad units and placements that you wish to put on for direct selling. This not only tells about your prices but also shows all the ad types your website deals in. There's no need for decorative jazz – just make it a clean and straightforward spreadsheet. Use MS Excel or similar applications. Here is an example of TIME's rate card: Spec Sheet A spec sheet is another document that should include technical information and 'terms and conditions'. You can mention the ad creative (size, type, and format) that you follow. It can also include third-party ad tag acceptability, flash or rich-media requirements, and more. For inspiration, you can download one of Wall Street Journal's spec sheets. How to Find Advertisers Okay, so good traffic and segmented audiences make your website attractive to advertisers.

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3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) The most dependable form of online paid advertising (and also the most common). SEM works based on keywords – you and other businesses like yours bid on keywords through search engines in an effort to get your website up higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). All SEM ads that appear in Google, Bing and other search engines are text ads. They're listed at the top or sides of the SERP. Paid ads can either be Pay Per Click (PPC) or Cost Per Thousand (CPM). PPC You bid on keywords and your results appear at the top of the SERP based on bid value. This is the best value package because you're only charged when people click on the ad. Also, it's the easiest to track during the campaign. CPM You're billed a flat rate for 1, 000 impressions. This makes it easy to apply a budget and you're guaranteed a number of "shows" on the SERP. However, you risk overspending – if no one clicks through you're paying for wasted results. Also, you can't assess or track the campaign until it's over.

You can do so by using quizzes, or you can put a simple Newsletter sign-up on your site. Then, you can send email campaigns that focus on promotions, discounts, features or content you've posted to your blog. Most emails are short, sweet and to the point. A concise message makes it easy to get your point across and increase conversions. Just don't forget to check your region/country's spam rules.

Placing ads at the end of an article can also be a good strategy. How Much Should You Charge? Determining a price for advertising on your website can be difficult. The information important to advertisers is the cost of the ad space divided by the traffic received from that ad. The number that you and the advertising company are both looking for is the CPM, or cost per 1, 000 views. Start at a low advertising rate if you are unsure of how many views your website generates. That is attractive to advertisers, and the rate can be raised as your number of views increases. ProBlogger gives a good overview of how to determine advertising rates. Create an Attractive Advertising Page The first thing you should make known when creating an advertising page or talking to potential advertising clients is what your website or blog is about. For you and advertisers to make money, they need to be advertising products and services that are useful to the viewers of your website. And for your advertising page to be attractive to potential advertisers, it should list important information such as your site's number of pageviews and unique users per day or month, as well as how well it ranks according to Google (PageRank), Alexa, and Technorati, among others.

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